Every second counts...
Every second counts the good, the bad, the in-between. None of it can be taken back... just used to go on, to live and to learn.
Every second counts - the voice, the scent, the touch of being in ones presence. Remember those moments you are in. The laugh, the chuckle, the cry, the yells. Remember those times. Seconds are precious pieces of our lives all stacked together to make memories, good or bad. Hearing the sound of my father-in-laws cry on the phone that September day when he told me he had cancer - That was a second - ONE second - that changed me for a lifetime. Changed everything I knew, everything my husband had become, everything my children will be. ONE single second!!
He passed away in April of this year, just over a month ago, went on to bigger and better things. It's all in God's hands. Looking back on time spent with him you seem to take it for granted when you are in it. Then one day there is an empty space in your heart, and seeing my husband feel so empty and alone. You wonder, where did all the seconds go? All the minutes, the hours, the days, the years. Where did it go? How did we get here?
If I have learned one thing in the past few months its to soak in those seconds of every day, live in the moment, and endure the good times and find a way to make it through the bad times. It's been a very emotional time for me and I feel like it has come through in many of my images. Particularly when snapping shots of my family and landscapes.
To share a few:
Rest in peace dear father in law and know that we are thinking of you every second of every day!! Whether it be deep in thought as these images express, feeling dreary like some of the landscapes feel, or most of all when we are smiling and knowing you are looking down upon us. You are here with us and always will be. xoxo
I really like the sunflare shot...
Thanks Teachinfourth! That's my youngest boy :)