Everything around us is in constant change. Photography is our means of capturing the here and now....

Let's Hear it for the Boys at I Heart Faces!!!

"CJ, put the stick the down and get out of the mud!" That's how THIS moment began. Boys will be boys!! This is my 3 year old (could you guess that he's 3) LOL and just look at that expression! "Um, yeah right mom!" is probably what he was thinking!

I decided to enter this contest because I thought that this was a perfect boy moment!

Go check out I Heart Faces for more entries!



Every second counts...

Every second counts the good, the bad, the in-between. None of it can be taken back... just used to go on, to live and to learn.

Every second counts - the voice, the scent, the touch of being in ones presence.  Remember those moments you are in. The laugh, the chuckle, the cry, the yells. Remember those times. Seconds are precious pieces of our lives all stacked together to make memories, good or bad. Hearing the sound of my father-in-laws cry on the phone that September day when he told me he had cancer - That was a second - ONE second - that changed me for a lifetime. Changed everything I knew, everything my husband had become, everything my children will be. ONE single second!!

He passed away in April of this year, just over a month ago, went on to bigger and better things. It's all in God's hands. Looking back on time spent with him you seem to take it for granted when you are in it. Then one day there is an empty space in your heart, and seeing my husband feel so empty and alone. You wonder, where did all the seconds go? All the minutes, the hours, the days, the years. Where did it go? How did we get here?

If I have learned one thing in the past few months its to soak in those seconds of every day, live in the moment, and endure the good times and find a way to make it through the bad times. It's been a very emotional time for me and I feel like it has come through in many of my images. Particularly when snapping shots of my family and landscapes.

To share a few:

Rest in peace dear father in law and know that we are thinking of you every second of every day!! Whether it be deep in thought as these images express, feeling dreary like some of the landscapes feel, or most of all when we are smiling and knowing you are looking down upon us. You are here with us and always will be. xoxo


Spring is finally here and what's better than to bring it in with some baseball!

Getting ready for the big hit

Raiding the concession stand...... 

Running for first base - base hit!!

Fielding pitcher.... "nice catch"

Base hit!!!


Bare Bum Mini Photo Shoot featured at The Great Cloth Diaper Event - New Baby, New Paltz

Haven't had the chance to get those Bare Bum photos? Come out to The Great Cloth Diaper Change Event at New Baby, New Paltz, 15 Plattekill Ave, New Paltz, NY on April 23rd from 11-2 for a Mini Photo Shoot featuring Bare Baby Bums, Cloth Dipes and much more.

Also happening:

Enter to win a gift basket of FuzziBunz Diapers donated by
Positively birth. Gift certificates from Moxie Cupcake, and
Donna Bruschi. IBCLC

Demos and workshops to help educate families about cloth
diapers, rashes, laundering Q & A

The Diaper Derby

Used Baby Gear Swap


Maternity and Newborn Special Collection

Very excited to be offering this special collection to my photo services.


Bethany and Garrett's Gorgeous Wedding Day {Hudson Valley Wedding Photographer} {Utica, Rome, Syracuse Wedding Photographer}

I finally got to some blogging and put together this post of Bethany and Garrett's Wedding. I had the pleasure of being in the wedding! So fun!! As well as the chance to click a few photos of the wonderful wedding couple on their special day! What a day to remember! Congrats again Beth and Garrett!




"A Slice of Life" I Heart Faces photo submission

Well what more says "a slice of life" than having twins and this happening. This was from a lifestyle session of a family of 2 year old twins. You can't get much more real than this. The little girl was screaming for the driving seat... and the little boy could of cared less! HE was driving, and that was that :)

Go check out more submissions on the I Heart Faces Blog!


Please excuse the blog......

I have been working on my official photo website and have mistreated my blog :) I apologize and promise to get back on track once this site is in production. I will be posting a Mothers Day Mini Session SOON! Stay tuned!


Happy Valentine's Day - I heart faces contest for "RED"

Well, I unfortunately missed the "Hearts" theme last week. So what better way but to incorporate it into this weeks red theme. I loved this photo and had it all ready for submission. Just never made it to the computer on time. I decided to submit this under the "Red" theme because I just love it so much!!! So here it is!!

  Is this girl awesome or what??

Be sure to check out the many great entries by clicking below!


Valentines Mini Sessions turned out great!!

Other than this crazy over rated winter weather January turned out great as far as Valentines Mini Sessions go. So many adorable faces to photograph. Many of you that took advantage of my Valentines Mini's will be receiving your Valentines Cards very shortly!!

Here are a few...

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