Everything around us is in constant change. Photography is our means of capturing the here and now....

Summer shoots are Sweeet!!!

Had a blast photographing this little girl while I had her in my care for the day!  These are taken with a simple Point and shoot camera so I was happy to get a few good ones.  I must get her back for an official photo session! Can you imagine if I used my Nikon and actually HAD it at hand! (Note to self: when babysitting beautiful little girls - do not leave the camera in the trunk of hubby's car and let him go to work!!) She is so sweet and adorable!


Rookie Baseball at an end

Well, my son's baseball season has come to an end.  His last game was on Saturday! No more dirty, grass-stained pants, sweaty shirts, lost baseball caps, and relentless running around!  Whew! Although I will miss the team and the great kids we met.

The boys were so excited to get their trophies...


Blogger space!!

Ok, so I am so very sorry to be in blog space and not have been posting.  I have quite a bit that I am working on right now and with no excuses just have been plain ole busy!  I do promise to keep you updated a bit more than this. I have been working on an art blog for some summer classes that I will be teaching so that has been a bit time consuming.  I will post the link as soon as I have it up and running.

Also in the works is getting a new NIKON camera. Ancient, yet well-loved is my film camera but I would like to step it up a notch and go digital.  I have a ton of slides and negatives to get scanned in as well (reason for the blog lag) but, in due time my friends. Please stay tuned and I promise to post more once I slow down a bit!  Thanks a bunch!!!

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